The Promethium Homeopathic Academy

Having lectured extensively and mentored numerous students over the years Mr. Kantor is developing a program of homeopathic study for beginning and advanced practitioners. His seminars will be provided on site at the Promethium Homeopathic Academy in Needham, MA as well as at off-site locations to be determined.

Subject to further change Jerry Kantor is currently available for teaching and seminars with regard to the following, content adaptable to audience level of knowledge:

  • The homeopathic healing paradigm including discussion of chronic illness as the physical consequence of a spiritual or existential dilemma; psychic material gained from the homeopathic intake mapping a land where the metaphor is literal;
  • Even before the remedy is given: the healing power of interpreting your client’s chronic illness. An exposition of tools developed in the author’s book, Interpreting Chronic Illness, the Convergence of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy and Biomedicine;
  • Homeosiniatry, the convergence of homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine in clinical practice (acupuncture points with a direct relationship to specific remedies):
  • Homeopathy and the epidemic of autoimmunity, an overview for the general audience or clinical training for professionals;
  • The autism avalanche, clinical trainings in Jerry Kantor’s Sine Wave Method as outlined in his book, Autism Reversal Toolbox, or a general overview of the ASD epidemic and available resources.
  • Homeopathy for the damage of toxic relationships, an expansion on the what the author has covered in his book The Toxic Relationship Cure, clearing traumatic damage from a boss, parent, lover or friend;
  • Homeopathy in relation to a particular ailment or condition.
  • Training in Jerry Kantor’s unique Clinical Diagnosis and/or Self-Diagnosis Mandala
I was Jerry’s intern for the full year. The way he was solving the cases felt like magic in the beginning. I was using all my senses, trying to listen, watch and feel in order to analyze and assess the client. The pace of the busy clinic does not allow time for ambiguous repertorization. In fact, extreme concentration and fast processing is required.

Jerry was teaching me the core of his way of thinking, strategy of analysis and the tactic of synthesis. He was basing his teaching not only on the profound knowledge of homeopathic theory and Materia Medica but also on the deep philosophical understanding of the routes and outcomes of chronic illness based on integration of the concepts found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy as described in his book, “Interpreting Chronic Illness.” He was showing me a structured path of thinking so that a fundamental truth within each case could be found.

He lent me books from his library to read and was methodically broadening my horizon in relation to the proving of new remedies and various therapy applications. The education extended to gemmotherapy, UNDA drainage, nosodes, sarcodes and other valuable modalities.

I should mention that I was happy being a part of a professional team that had the urge to help others and felt passionate about homeopathy. I was introduced to Jerry’s other interns and his wonderful colleague Jhuma. I enjoyed the opportunity to share homeopathic thoughts and laughing at homeopathic jokes.

As a general note I would like to add:

The work of a homeopath might seem easy to the observer. A homeopath is after all, just listening to the client, asking a few questions and then delivering sugary pills. In fact, every minute in the clinic is taken up with analytical work is aimed to determining the client’s precise constitutional state. Analysis and remedy differentiating is like going through a labyrinth in search of exactly the right pathway.

Modern technology gives us an access to almost unlimited amounts of information. We are surrounded and sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of facts, statements, concerns and emotional reactions. They are bits and pieces without value, at least until such time as when the dots between cause and effect, emotion and remedy-state all finally connect.

Inna Sarumian

Graduate, The British Institute of Homeopathy, CHC Candidate

I recently had the good fortune to shadow Jerry Kantor in his office, over a few months time.  I did this after I graduated from a professional homeopathic program, and as I was just getting started in building my own practice.  Every homeopath should have such an opportunity!  As I sat in the room while Jerry took a case, I was able to observe the energetic shift as he made his clients feel at ease, the carefully worded questions that elicited the clients’ symptoms, how he evaluated his clients, and, ultimately; how he arrived at the remedy selection and posology.  The clinical setting was a wonderful way to increase my understanding of materia medica.  After a case, Jerry would take the time to explain how the remedy particularly suited the client, differentiating it from the other remedies considered. It was also wonderful to watch how his clients progressed during follow up appointments, and how the various remedy responses were handled.  After the experience, I felt more confident in my skills as a practitioner, and it must have showed, because my practice picked up considerably!  I would highly recommend Jerry Kantor to any serious student of homeopathy who wants to deepen their experience of materia medica, case analysis, and chronic illness explication.  He’s a great teacher and a gifted homeopath.
Martha DeMarco

CCH, RS Hom (NA), Norwell, MA

As a recent graduate of Teleosis Homeopathic Collaborative, my desire was to shadow a homeopath with an established practice.  Jerry Kantor welcomed me on every level.  In addition to observing him while he received clients, he engaged me in conversations that added to my knowledge about homeopathy.  He is a brilliant and compassionate homeopath.  The “classroom” he created included case taking skills, materia medica, health science, what to look for in follow ups, potency, and much more.  I look forward to continuing this valuable experience.
Isabel Frankel

Recent Grad, Teleosis Homeopathic Collaborative

Thank you for the opportunity to intern at your office.

From May 2013 until May 2014 I interned with you, and the learning experience through this period was tremendous. Only after this internship I feel ready to truly open a homeopathic office.

This year gave me many strengths and qualities: it strengthened my clinical experience and the way I talk to patients; it taught me office management; gave me tools to handle difficult cases, and much much more.

Observing you at your work on a daily basis and being part of a busy practice, gave me the push and the energy I needed to be able to become an excellent practitioner.

Homeopathic school taught me the theory and philosophy of Homeopathy. Seminars gave me extra training, but this last year really enabled me to refer to myself as a homeopath and for that I am very grateful. Training with you gave me the skills I needed: Not only the theoretical part but mainly the essential step by step instructions of how to do it – how to be a successful homeopath with a busy practice.

With great respect and much appreciation.

Miri HaCohen

D. Hom

Homeopathic and Integrative Medicine Seminars

“Homeopathy for Menopausal Hot Flashes” webinar for The Thinking Moms Revolution,” June 2015.

“Introduction to Homeosinaitry” ProD seminar, October 2013

The Autism Avalanche, Field Notes from a Challenging Landscape,” seminar for the 2013 Joint American Homeopathy’s annual conference.

“Homeopathy for Relationship Trauma” webinar for Whole Health Now, January 2013.

“Integrating Acupuncture and Homeopathy” for the New England School of Acupuncture, October 2012, Watertown, MA.

“Interpreting Chronic Illness Seminar” for the American Association of Integrative Medicine, 2009 annual conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Chinese EducationChinese Medicine and Related Research Activities


Report of Academic Research Activity while at Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital, Brigham and Womens
  1. In conjunction with Englok Yap, MD, developed “Acupuncture and Cancer Research Proposal, a Single Blind Study (With Double Blind Option) to Determine the Effect of Acupuncture on CBC Values, Among Pediatric Patients in any Stage of Cancer, Who are Undergoing Chemotherapy and/or Radiation Therapy.” Written and submitted in response to a request from Children’s Hospital, Center for Holistic Pediatric Education and Research.
  2. In capacity as Director of Clinical Services for Tapestry HealthCare, Inc., and in conjunction with other experienced clinicians: develop clinical guidelines for integrated care of problematic medical conditions such as low back pain; Attention Deficit Disorder; Repetition Strain Injury and; chronic ottitis
  3. In capacity as staff acupuncturist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, have posed two questions whose answers will prove valuable in the institutional setting:
    1. Acupuncture may bolster the immune system. When performed on cancer patients to reduce pain or emesis, does acupuncture to any extent hinder the positive, albeit highly toxic clinical effects of chemotherapy and radiation, even as it improves quality of life? If an hypothesized “overall-for-the-good-of-the-patient-adjustment-effect” is occurring, where is the “agent” making the clinical decisions located?
    2. A surgical treatment is considered to have achieved its benefit once the procedure is finished. An acupuncture treatment only resembles a procedure, while in effect acting more on the order of a time-release capsule, as treatments have a cumulative and reinforcing effect. How are we to evaluate the homeostastic end point of a course of care?
  4. Other areas of research activity concern Homeopathy: In clinical practice, Classical Homeopathy purports to address significant emotional dysfunction. What is the nature of homeopathy’s actual or potential interface with Psychiatry or Psychology? If clinical effectiveness for homeopathy treatments can be demonstrated, how might homeopathy’s heretical treatment principles be absorbed accommodated by the prevailing paradigm?
  5. Certified in the CEASE homeopathy protocol (Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression), Netherlands, March, 2010. The program was developed by Tinus Smits, MD.

Report of Teaching

 1.  Local Contributions: 

      a)  Courses:

1998 – Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Task Force on Complementary Therapies, lecture, “Classical Homeopathy and a Hierarchical Modeling of Interventions.”

1996-1998 – Annual workshops on: practice of Qi Gong (Chinese Vital Energy) exercises; Basic Homeopathic Pediatric and Emergency care

1993-1997 – Lecturer, American Health Care System History and Policy Issues, Emmanuel College, December 1993 to 1997. Taught both Masters and Undergraduate level nursing and health administration students. Class census averaged thirty

1985 – Lemuel Shattuck Hospital Pain and Stress Relief Clinic, (Jamaica Plain, MA). Supervisor and Education Director of seven graduate acupuncturist interns, plus assistants. Duties carried out two days per week. Pioneered the educational notion of “thought experiements” in regard to teaching diagnosis (wherein students are asked to envision in Traditional Chinese terms, the body and coating of a tongue and; the qualitative feel of a pulse, for a patient manifesting a particular illness)

1983-1985 and 1988-1989 – Annual lectures on the theoretical basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Wheelock College, Boston, MA, undergraduate Sociology course, “Health and Illness in Cross-Cultural Perspectives.”

b)  Grand Rounds Lectures:

1999 – Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Dept. of Rheumatology,”Acupuncture Treatment of Arthritis.”

1998 – Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Clinical Staff of Hospital at large, “Acupuncture Diagnosis, Treatment and Institutional Integration.”

1998 – Boston Institute for Psychotherapy, open to all faculty, “Clinical Interface Between Classical Homeopathy and Psychotherapy.”

1998 – Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Hematology Dept., “Acupuncture: Possible Clinical Applications and Risk Management in the Treatment of Hemophilia and  Related Disorders.”

1997 – St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Brighton, MA, Anaesthesiology Dept., “Acupuncture: Explanatory Concepts and Clinical Applications.”

1993  – Faulkner Hospital, Jamaica Plain, MA,  “Acupuncture-Based Diagnosis and Treatment of Headache Pain.”

1984 – New England School of Acupuncture, lecture entitled, “Acupuncture Case Studies Relating to Diagnosis and Treatment of Refractory Low Back Pain.”

 2. Regional, National or International Contributions Invited Presentations:

2001 – Complementary Care Options for the Treatment of Arthritis. Massachusetts Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, Neighborhood Network Cable TV.

2001 – Acupuncture Care Options for Workplace Injuries Breakout Session, 20th Annual Conference on Occupational Health Care, Marlborough, MA

2001 – Acupuncture and Homeopathy Acute and Chronic Care Options for Brain Injured Populations. National Brain Injury Association Conference, Worcester, Massachusetts.

2000 – BWH Women’s Health Forum: Breakout session re Healthy Alternatives: Acupuncture Alternatives for Women’s Health Issues. Copley Westin Hotel.

2000 – Constitutional Homeopathy for Health Care Educators. New England Medical Center.

1998 – Infoline’s fourth annual conference on Women’s Health Services(San Diego, CA), lecture entitled, “Complementary and Alternative Options for Menopausal Women.”

1998 – The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine annual symposium (Boston, MA) postgraduate seminar lecture entitled, “The Role of Alternative Medicine in the Workplace.”

1998 – Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged, (at Orchard Cove CCRC, Canton, MA) Wellness Seminar lecture, “Constitutional Homeopathic Care for the Senior Citizen.”

1997 – Infoline’s third annual conference on Women’s Health Services (Amelia Island, FL), lecture entitled, “Assessment of Alternative Therapy Medical Options For Women in a Managed Care Environment.”

1997- Infoline conference on Breast Cancer (Boston, MA), workshop lecture entitled, “Evaluate Comprehensive Preventive Strategies Against Breast Cancer.”

1997 – Symposium for People with Lupus and their Families (Newton, MA), “Complementary Medicine: Homeopathic Medicine and Acupuncture.”

1997 – World Fellowship Lodge (Conway, NH), two-day workshop on “The Growth of Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” (Day One) and; “Classical Homeopathy, Philosophy, Scientific Foundations, Efficiencies, and Limitations,” (Day Two)

1997 – Brandeis University, Heller Colloquia Committee lecture, “The Convergence of Alternative and Orthodox Medicine: An Emerging New Health Care Paradigm.”

1997 – Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged, (at Orchard Cove CCRC, Canton, MA) Wellness Seminar lecture, “Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapies for the Senior Citizen.”

3.  Major Curriculum Offerings:

1984 – In response to a perceived need among acupuncturists and body workers to become far more knowledgeable about human anatomy, in affiliation with Tufts University Medical School, marketed, conceived and staffed innovative medical extension course: “Dissection of a Human Cadaver,” designed for professional acupuncturists and body workers

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