For some overeaters the expression eating “like there is no tomorrow” is a good compulsion describing idiom. Why do common expressions become entrenched as idioms? The answer is that they convey a truth related to a familiar experience.

A short digression:

“He went blind with rage” is idiomatic but “He went deaf with rage” is not. How come anger is associated with the sense of sight but not the sense of hearing? The answer is that sight and anger are entwined within our psyche. Traditional Chinese Medical theory makes this point emphatically. Our core myths do so too only less directly: In Genesis Adam and Eve are evicted from the Garden of Eden because first Eve saw that the tree was good for food, and pleasant to the eyes, and would make one wise. She took the fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband and he ate.  The consequence was an angry reaction from God who seeing them hiding, seemingly out of sight behind a tree, banished them from Paradise. Generally speaking, the problem with sight is that it is panoramic, meaning we always see more than we want. Envisioning a better world is one thing, bringing it about is another. This is often angering.

But back to overeating:

The homeopathic remedy Psorinum, a nosode (made from the product of a disease, scabies) treats a variety of conditions, especially of the skin.  For an excellent overview of this remedy read Peter Morrell’s article:

People needing Psorinum suffer from a specific kind of anxiety, what homeopaths refer to as poverty consciousness. They feel that they never have quite enough. In fact, the Psorinum state is like having a relentless accountant inside one’s head. A bookkeeper who obsesses about what is coming in and what is going out. The ledger he minds is never balanced hence you experience terrible anxiety about the future. Psorinum’s materia medica includes voracious appetite. This is a symptom we can now decode: The individual needing Psorinum overeats out of a delusion that in the future he will starve. He literally eats “like there is no tomorrow.”

Other remedies your homeopath may want to differentiate among include:

  • Anacardium, where the client eats out of a need to quiet an inner struggle between his good angel and his bad angel. Such a person feels better from the act of cramming food which helps stuff down terrible feelings of inadequacy.
  • Lac Caninum where he has a canine, meaning voracious appetite. His overeating reflects poor self-esteem and guilt, a sense that he will be punished before he gets a chance to finish his meal.
  • Antimonium Crudum where she  eats huge amounts of food out of delusion that nothing satisfies. She eats in a vain attempt to find something satisfying.

So remember, if you are eating like there is no tomorrow or for any reason you yourself do not understand, talk to your homeopath. The answer may be at hand.



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